Take Your Place - A Celebration of BESEA Identity (Image-based)

Squid 1.png

INTRO: I loved taking part in this photoshoot organised by Asians in Britain and Chris Poon, with the photographer Vanessa Ng and a whole award ceremony full of gorgeous East and South East Asians including some rather famous people..!

Full credits below to the wonderful people who made this happen!

The text version of my interview is available here.

Slide 2: The text version of my interview is available here.
Slide 3: The text version of my interview is available here.

PHOTO by Vanessa Ng

A medium close-up of The Mollusc Dimension, an East-Asian person standing in a studio with reddish-ochre open brick walls. He wears a black tuxedo with a satin lapel, white shirt, gold collar pins (octopuses) and a black homberg hat. He has straight dark facial hair and some eyeliner. His thumbs are in his jacket pockets and his head is tilted to one side. He is not smiling and looks directly at the camera.

Slide 5: The text version of my interview is available here.
Slide 6: The text version of my interview is available here.


An extra big shout to Steph Fung, Founder of Asians in Britain for interviewing me and making the slides.

The “Take Your Place” shoot was only made possible due the dedication and passion of these amazing people:

Producers: Chris Poon & Steph Fung 

Photographer: Vanessa Ng 

Assistant photographer: Jordan Cox 

Makeup artists: Nana Andersen & Beatrice Birolo  

Stylist: Amna Saleem

Check out the other Asians in Britain #TakeYourPlace interviews and photos!

Asians in Britain - Instagram Mostly image-based
Asians in Britain - Facebook Mostly image-based

Mental health resources

I have referred to some mental health issues in my interview, so here are some resources.


BAATN - The Black, African and Asian therapy network (UK)

Pink Therapy - Gender and Sexual Diversity Therapy in the UK


Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline: 0300 330 0630

Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393

Samaritans: Call 116 123

If you are not UK based, or if these options don’t work for you, please search for a support line that you can use where you are.